
Pray, Pray, Pray

If you know anything about our story then you may know that the idea of moving into a fifth wheel just came to me one day. At first I thought it was a silly idea but over the course of a few days it kept popping up in my mind.  Finally I decided to tell Cody about the idea.  We were making one of our twice a week drives to central Illinois, which was a two hour drive there and then a two hour drive back that we made twice a week.  I pretty much just told him my idea without really thinking of how I should set it up.  I don’t think he really thought I was serious.  I think he was thinking I was just saying it as a fun idea that would never actually happen.  A few days later I brought it up again and I could tell he had been thinking about it since I mentioned it.  We discussed it several times, the practicality of it, the benefits of it, the downsides of it and, finally, we decided it was the best idea for our family.  You can read all about the reasons we decided to move into the fifth wheel here

This may seem like we just made the decision and that was that but it is so much more complicated than that.  When I couldn’t get the idea out of my head the first couple days I simply prayed about it.  At first it was just a quick prayer asking God to put it from my mind if it wasn’t something that He wanted for our lives.  Obviously that didn’t happen.  I felt like I was being pulled in that direction.  When Cody and I first started talking about it we would pray about it together, and let me tell you, Cody prays about everything, every day.  I love when we pray together.  He always thanks God for all we have and asks God to continue blessing us.  So it was no surprise that our prayers together ended up consisting of praying about the decision to move.

Although God didn’t open up the heavens and speak directly to me I knew He was calling us to do make this decision.  Everything about it was consistent about what the Bible says.  The whole goal of living in the fifth wheel is to save money and pay off debts, which is a biblical practice.  It also aligned with the previous things God had been working on in me: being materialistic, paying off my student loans and becoming debt free by 40 (read about those here).

If you or your family are deciding to make the change from a house to a fifth wheel, or travel trailer, or RV or whatever it may be, make sure you take the time to ask God if that is really what He wants for your life.  It is not the life for everyone and God doesn't call everyone to do it.  Pray diligently and be obedient.

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